Samuel Retsov: How Do We Know: A Few Notes on Talisman
Introduction: Time in Search of Language
Burt Kimmelman:Virginia Woolf et la recherche du modernisme proustienne:
Marcel Proust in La Belle Époque, the Great War, and After
The Aesthetic Era and Finding a Language for Homosexuality:
Walter Pater, John Addington Symonds, Oscar Wilde, George Sylvester Viereck
Gian Lombardo: Harry Crosby, Unblotting the Sun
William Jay Barker: from Junior Birdman
Carmen Firan:New York, where are you?
Brane Mozetič: interview
Joel Lewis: from: Frownland: A Memoir with Music
John High: Angel in the Pocket
Daniel Morris: Calling, Being Called, and Calling Back in Tyrone Williams' c.c.
W. Scott Howard: “oblique act”: Susan Howe’s Liberties
Mark Jacobs: Mr. Tidy
Celebrating Martha King
Martha King: excerpts from Max Turns Yellow
Don Yorty: On Reading the First Chapter of Max Turns Yellow: A Review
Cheryl J. Fish, "Unabashed," (for Martha King) and "Median"
Peter Valente: Am I Saved Yet Sister? Is It Morning?: On the work of Martha King
Kim Lyons: Inside Outside/Inside
Peter Valente: “Poesis of sweet disorder”: A review of Adeena Karasick’s Salomé: A Woman of Valor
W. Scott Howard:A review of Inciting Poetics: Thinking and Writing Poetry. Ed. Jeanne Heuving and Tyrone Williams.
Rachel Cualedare: Profane Conversions: A Review of supermoon by Gillian Parrish (Singing Horse Press, 2020)
Peter Valente: “Sooner than later the end will arrive”: A Review of Andrew Zawacki’s Unsun: f/11
Peter Valente: New Aesthetics of Dissident Sexualities: A Review of An Apartment on Uranus: Chronicles of the Crossing
by Paul B. Preciado
Peter Valente: My Daemon Brother: A Review of Evan Kennedy’s I am, am I, to trust the joy that joy is no more or less
there now than before
A Festschrift for Donna de la Perrière
May-lee Chai: Interview with Donna de la Perrière
Norman Fischer: Notes on the Poetry of Donna de la Perrière
Megan Breiseth: Under the Black and Purple Skies
Joseph Donahue: The Rift Makes The Ritual: On the Poetry of Donna de la Perrière
Charles Alexander: To Dream, To Wake, To Gather, To Disperse
Tiff Dressen and Alexandra Mattraw: A string-and-cup phone to the night sky: a conversation on
Donna de la Perrière’s Works of Love & Terror
Owen Hill and Noah Ross: (Donna)&(de la Perrière)
Maxine Chernoff: Token (1)
Kevin Hatch: The Tongue is a Brush
Sheila Murphy: Implicity
Elizabeth Robinson: "First Love" and the Remodelling of Trauma
Sharon Coleman: "Who Has the Body?" Two Poetic Series by Donna de la Perrière
Joseph Lease: Real-life Poetry Top Ten, February 5, 2021: Donna de la Perrière edition
Gillian Conoly: Works of Love & Terror (and space and time and art)
New Poetry
George Quasha and Susan Quasha: Genius Foci
Heller Levinson
Mary Newell
Jeffrey Kahrs
George Kalamaras
Charles Borkhuis
Maged Zaher
Jack Foley
Helen Mitsios
Norman Fischer
Issue #46 can be found at
Issue #45 can be found at
Issue #44 can be found at
Issue #43 can be found at
Issue #42 can be found at
Issue #41 can be found at
Issue #45 can be found at
Issue #44 can be found at
Issue #43 can be found at
Issue #42 can be found at
Issue #41 can be found at
Copyright 2021: Daniels, Jensen, Publishers